Clowns Without Borders
Saving Lives One Smile at a Time
These clowns traveled to the Greek island of Lesbos with one mission: to make refugees and migrants smile.
A Powerful Leadership Lesson
Leaders make things happen. They lead and people follow. Be a leader and change the world for the better.
Boston Dynamics
‘Do You Love Me?’ Dancing Robots
Will Robots take our jobs? Probably. But what’s clear is that robot engineers have too much time on their hands.
Every Online Course Funnel Ad Ever – Spoof Commercial
Marketing your “Money Making” product online requires you to be audacious and annoying and be in our face the whole time.
There Comes a Time When You Just Have To Jump In The Water
When you see everyone else jumping into the water of their dreams maybe it is time for you to jump in too.
This Golden Retriever Gave Out High-Fives at the NYC Marathon
Being a leader is about cheering on your team’s successes. Let them know you’re always running with them. Making people smile is always worth it.
How do you get your customers to
respond the way you want them to?
Provide great products and services so they want to ring all the bells of what you have to offer.
Don McMillan
Life after Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint can cause the death of your message. Here is how to save it.
Ze Frank
“Making Money with Your Website”
Once you’ve finally built your website it’s time to start making money with it. When does that begin?
Demitri Martin
“Website Redesign Meeting”
If you have customers who keep changing their mind about what they want then this laugh is for you.