The Perfect Cartoon
The World's First Cartoon Search Engine
“As it turns out some of our most brilliant thinkers are not business leaders, political leaders, or scientists. No, some of our most brilliant thinkers and creators are cartoonists.”
Robert Bostick, Perfect Cartoon Curator
Business Categories:
Personal Cartoon Categories:
Welcome To The Perfect Cartoon
We built The Perfect Cartoon to be the ‘Google of Cartoons.’ When you first open The Perfect Cartoon search engine you can type any topic or category of cartoon you wish to search for. Or you can begin by letting us treat you to our special introductory ‘Teasers’ collection of curated cartoons by pressing the Teasers button below. And yes, you’ll find some funny graphic images as well. Whatever makes an audience smile we want you to have it to share for levity and likability.
Our ‘Teasers Collection’ will introduce you to a wide selection of high-quality ‘feel good’ cartoons as you begin your search for the perfect cartoon for your next presentation, sales pitch, email, newsletter, blog, article, social media campaign, Linkedin post, webinar, or podcast.
Our cartoons are curated from The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Wired, CartoonStock, Go Comics, ComicKingdom, & lots of wonderful cartoonist’s websites. It’s easy to increase attention and likability with a cartoon or funny graphic image.
User Tips
As the search engine opens scroll your mouse over each thumbnail to enlarge the cartoon. To enlarge them further press Ctrl ‘+’ to increase your computer screen size up to 150%. When you find a cartoon you like, click on the thumbnail to be taken to the cartoon.
If in your search you find a cartoonist you like, type their name into the search bar to see more of their work.
The Cartoon Topics folder is always available to click on to provide a quick selection of cartoon categories to consider. With the decline of the print media (cartoonist’s bread and butter) The Perfect Cartoon is built to generate a new wave of cartoon fans to enjoy and $upport their favorite cartoonists so cartoonists can continue to make us smile when we least expect it and need it most.
Enhance Your Cartoon Collection.
by David Fessell M.D.
Robert Middleton
The first thing we want to get when it comes to attracting clients is:
If we don’t get the attention of our prospective clients (in one way or another) we’ll never get a meeting with them, let alone land them as a client.
PS. For Farside cartoon lovers good news – he has a new Website.
“The most remarkable thing about sharing great humor is the speed at which it alters people’s feelings about you for the better in seconds.”
Robert Bostick, HumorPoint Founder
Business Categories:
Personal Cartoon Categories:
Welcome To The Perfect Cartoon
We built The Perfect Cartoon to be the ‘Google of Cartoons.’ When you first open The Perfect Cartoon search engine you can type any topic or category of cartoon you wish to search for. Or you can begin by letting us treat you to our special introductory ‘Teasers’ collection of curated cartoons by pressing the Teasers button below. And yes, you’ll find some funny graphic images as well. Whatever makes an audience smile we want you to have it to share for levity and likability.
Our ‘Teasers Collection’ will introduce you to a wide selection of high-quality ‘feel good’ cartoons as you begin your search for the perfect cartoon for your next presentation, sales pitch, email, newsletter, blog, article, social media campaign, Linkedin post, webinar, or podcast.
Our cartoons are curated from The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Wired, CartoonStock, Go Comics, ComicKingdom, & lots of wonderful cartoonist’s websites. It’s easy to increase attention and likability with a cartoon or funny graphic image.
User Tips
As the search engine opens scroll your mouse over each thumbnail to enlarge the cartoon. To enlarge them further press Ctrl ‘+’ to increase your computer screen size up to 150%. When you find a cartoon you like, click on the thumbnail to be taken to the cartoon.
If in your search you find a cartoonist you like, type their name into the search bar to see more of their work.
The Cartoon Topics folder is always available to click on to provide a quick selection of cartoon categories to consider. With the decline of the print media (cartoonist’s bread and butter) The Perfect Cartoon is built to generate a new wave of cartoon fans to enjoy and $upport their favorite cartoonists so cartoonists can continue to make us smile when we least expect it and need it most.
Enhance Your Cartoon Collection.
by David Fessell M.D.
Robert Middleton
The first thing we want to get when it comes to attracting clients is:
If we don’t get the attention of our prospective clients (in one way or another) we’ll never get a meeting with them, let alone land them as a client.
PS. For Farside cartoon lovers good news – he has a new Website.